Saturday, February 18, 2012

Febru (wait for it) ary

February is one of my favorite months. It's my Gail's birthday, Russ' birthday, Valentines Day, AND presidents day.

It's been pretty great so far. We celebrated Russ' birthday with a series of rich and artery clogging meals and fun with friends. We started with Mellow Mushroom on Thursday, Mi Cocina on Friday, chai pancakes for brunch and Babes Chicken on Saturday. Not to mention 4 kinds of cake over the course of the weekend!

We celebrated Valentines with a post work pre class In-n-out burger.

We planned to celebrate another night and keep it casual on the 14th... But then I came home after class to an apartment full of candles and some brand new cherry red Hunters! That man... He gets it.

It was a glorious week, full of sweet time with Mr. Russ, celebrating his life and my most favorite greeting card holiday!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

HAP-py birthday!

Today my favorite person turns 25!

I'm not great at waxing meaningful sentiments, but I will do my best. Russ, your birthday means so much to me, because without it we wouldn't be us (duh). You are my favorite person in the world, and my greatest treasure. I love the life we have together and being your wife. I hope this coming year is the best yet, and I can't wait to celebrate many more with you. Love you, babe!

(Also, thanks for catching up with me on age so I don't look like such a cougar. Rawr :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

february photo-a-day challenge

Lots of people participated in a January photo-a-day challenge, and I was jealous because I was late to that party and it was mid-January before I found out about it. Oops.

I'm only one day late this time, and I'm totally doing it. February is turning into a crazy month and I am both super excited and super nervous every time I look at my planner. Hopefully taking a little photo here and there will help me remember the life and times of February 2012. Let's do this! I'll be throwing mine up on instagram (ekp1007) and twitter

Ready set go!