Friday, January 25, 2013


I made a semi-resolution... or really a half-thought on the way home from a New Years Eve party, "I'm going to try to really blog this year." Hah! How about a list of what's been going on?

1. I'm taking one class this semester, because last semester was like a war on my social life and sanity. My grad school actually became like real grad school (my grad program requires no thesis). I was reading/writing/posting/responding every day of the week, and I was a subpar friend, wife, employee, and sister for it. Never again. So far I feel affirmed in my decision to just take one this semester because my brain already hurts from ALL THE READING.

2. House hunting is still a thing. As in, we've been actively looking since September and haven't found "the one." I'm starting to think that Rhianna was talking about her first house when she sang, "We found love in a hopeless place," because Fall 2012/Winter 2013 in Fort Worth, Texas real estate certainly seems like a hopeless place sometimes. Will we find love? Surely. When? Who in the world knows. Right now we are trying not to drive each other crazy in our 1/1 downtown apartment, and trying to enjoy our cool/hip downtown living situation -- as in I was less than a block into my walk to meet friends for dinner last night when RP called me saying he'd pick me up and I jumped on that offer. At least I thought about walking?

3. My word for 2013 is "joy." This seems to be working out a little bit better than the whole resolution situation (see the first paragraph of this post). this book is helping -- a lot. Gratitude journaling is my jam, y'all. I don't know if I seem more joyful, but I sure do feel it in my spirit. Praise God.

4. I got crazy on some MLK weekend sales and bought lots of new big girl work clothes with the rest of my Christmas $$. My office is pretty business casual (I just tried to abbreviate casual to cazh... or casjh. nope), but I got a few fancy things that I'm excited to bust out. I'm also thinking about doing 30 for 30 challenge a la Kendi Everyday to get a little more creative with my wardrobe and curb my spending habit.

5. I'm also reading this book which is a MUST if you love the show, but NOT a good lunchtime read. Trust me on this one. It is also excellent birth control. You are welcome.

5 things on a Friday afternoon seems like all I can muster today. Maybe blogging will become the new house-hunting. Cheers and happy weekend!