Saturday, May 11, 2013

moving on

Whoa, baby, so much for "really blogging" in 2013. Does it count that I've thought about blogging since I wrote that last post?

What's been going on since my last little update? Lots of house hunting. Lots of travel for work - Orlando, Vancouver, Kansas City, Chicago, and Nashville - whew! Lots of events and opportunities to serve at church. Lots of good times with family and friends. And in the last six weeks or so, lots of decisions, paperwork, spontaneous fits of excitement, prayer, and a few near meltdowns, because...

We found our house!!

I've typed and deleted a bunch of cliche metaphors to describe this momentous event like "It's been a journey!" "It's been a wild ride!" "It's been a process!" and "It's been an adventure!"

It's totally been all those things, and also things like "headache" "near disaster" and "end of my sanity."

Above all that, we are just so excited! It isn't the house I thought we'd end up getting (one bathroom, y'all), but it is perfect for us, and we love it more every time we creepily drop by (we may be on a first name basis with the painters and floor guy - what up, Jose and Ramon?!). We have plans to add on in the next year or so, which I'm sure will be a whole new adventure, wild ride, headache, process, etc. Not to mention actually closing and moving in next week.

Anyway, I figure there's no time like the present to give this little bloggy another go. Here's to new adventures in playing house!

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